Want to learn more about tango? Then you are in the right place. Each week we will post a review video of the class. We have also added a few videos of some of the greats in tango and added a few playlists to introduce you to tango music.

Class Videos

Class recap videos will be uploaded here. 7PM classes are saved in the Beginning Classes section, and the 830PM class videos are saved in the Continuing Classes section.

Beginning Classes

The box and the basic 8

Change of Weight

Continuing Classes

Crossed System, Ochos, and Paradas

Change of Turn Direction


40 Tango Songs to get you started Provides a range of tango artists to get you started

The Big Four The most popular orchestras of classic tango music are Juan D’Arienzo, Carlos Di Sarli, Anibal Troilo, and Osvaldo Pugliese; often referred to as “The Big Four”. This list gives an introduction to each.

Modern Tango Orchestras We are going through a golden era of tango music today. Listen to some of it here

Practica Playlist Tango is often danced to in sets of three or four songs of the same orchestra (the sets are called tandas). This playlist is ordered into tandas for your listening pleasure 🙂


Choose Your Own Adventure: Music Edition Practical tips for starting your tango DJ journey by Jackie Pham

Additional Resources

A few additional resources to check out:

Tango Topics A blog written by your very own instructors 🙂

Tango Poetry Project Repository of tango lyrics in Spanish and English

Videos To Watch

A great way to study tango is through watching great performances. Here are a few to prime your Youtube algorithm 😉 (click link for videos) While this is a good start, there are so many more amazing couples and performances to discover!

Clarisa Aragon and Jonathan Saavedra

Gianpiero Galdi and Lorena Tarantino

Vanessa Villalba and Facundo Pinero

Cristian Cerezo and Wilson Munoz

Eleonora Kalganova and Murat Erdemsel

Chicho Frumboli and Juana Sepulveda

Noelia Hurtado and Carlos Espinoza

Horacio Godoy and Cecilia Berra

Local Milongas to Check Out

(Please note that these are just a subset of all of the wonderful milongas available in the area)

Viva Tango The local weekly Thursday Princeton Milonga. At 45 Stockton St with lessons at 7PM and milonga at 8:15. Free for students.

The Philadelphia Argentine Tango School hosts milongas and classes, and hosts an annual festival with world renown dancers and musicians. The milongas and classes have a student discount.

Milonga Deseo / Milonga Fernet Every 1st and Third Saturday at Allied Performing Arts Center at 6 Edgeboro Rd, East Brunswick, NJ (less than 30 minutes from campus). Class 8-8:30 and milonga 8:30-1. Hosted by the one and only Eleonora Kalganova, and only $10 for students

Fairmount Tango Club every Thursday at 800 23rd St., Philadelphia, PA, United States,19130.

For those who can make it up to New York, it is a world class city for tango with many many options to choose from.